Hush Puppies Footwear
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Bata is India's foremost footwear retailer, with a legacy dating back to 1894, Bata is a trusted cho... ice for people of all ages. Our flair for exciting designs and maximum comfort enables us to cater to millions of customers through an expansive network of over 2,000 Bata-owned outlets, shop-in-shops, and franchise stores. Bata presents a diverse array of footwear, accessories, apparel, and bags across brands. Our footwear collections include formal shoes, sports shoes, sneakers, boots, sandals, heels, flats, and more, allowing you to express your unique style. Committed to creating a world where everyone has equal opportunities to step out with confidence, Bata boasts a portfolio of brands such as Hush Puppies, Power, Scholl & Naturalizer. View More
ztxq6c, No 109, 1st Floor, City Centre Mall, Sector 10, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi, 110085
Opening Hours
Open: Mon-Sat 10:00-22:00;Sun 10:00-20:00